Mudar Ou MAS Do Mesmo?

As conexões da “nova” forma de fazer política e sindicalismo.

Sim, os cidadãos são livres de fazer as suas escolhas, MAS, afinal era mesmo verdade que tudo ia dar ao mesmo tipo de arranjinhos dos “crescidos”? Não tinham prometido “mudar”? E um sindicalismo novo e “independente”?

Perderam a Joana e o André não quis ficar definitivamente queimado?

Esquema acabado de me ser enviado por mensagens amigas, após dupla verificação.


Education And Consciousness Under Techno Feudalism


Mere qualifications defined by certificates do not foster emancipatory and egalitarian consciousness. While individuals may be educated in terms of formal credentials, their social and moral consciousness often falls to a low point in their everyday practice. Education, in many cases, breeds hypocrites of various kinds. Many educated and well-qualified individuals are reactionary and uncivilised in their behaviours, celebrating and upholding regressive values.

The number of such individuals and the prevalence of an essentialist trend within education are growing. Educational institutions, curriculum developers, and teachers have largely failed to instil emancipatory ideals within their learning and teaching practices. The focus on the essentialist aspects of education, such as skills development for employability, has been prioritised to meet the demands of the burgeoning techno-feudal markets and their idle capitalist masters. These masters live off rent without producing any real social value or meaningful commodities for society.

As a result, the educational system increasingly caters to the needs of a techno-feudal economy, emphasising practical skills for economic survival while neglecting the development of critical thinking and social consciousness. This shift has contributed to a society where educational attainment does not necessarily translate to enlightened or progressive thought, but rather to the perpetuation of existing power structures and inequalities based on reactionary and immoral ideals. 

In the age of techno-feudalism, the rent-seeking nature of various political, social, and cultural institutions, systems, and processes has become pervasive. This has fostered a culture where individuals, families, and religious denominations operate like rent-extracting machines in their most brutal form, devoid of accountability, responsibility, and human concern. In these processes, relationships between and among individuals and various interpersonal interactions have become transactional, dominated by self-pleasure and self-preservation at every step of human life. This phenomenon has been accelerated by digital media, social media, and traditional celebrity culture, where an individual’s success and failure are determined by the power of money

2ª Feira

Envelhecer é chato

(…) Com a nossa passagem pelo tempo, não vem só a experiência e com ela uma alegada sabedoria, que nem sempre a observação comprova. Vem também uma indesejada erosão da resistência, física, mas também mental, uma necessidade maior de descansar entre os períodos de maior esforço. A cabeça começa a ter juízo, mas já não é necessário esforçarmo-nos mais do que é preciso para o corpo pagar. Ou a alma. E nem sempre se consegue fazer tudo o que se fazia com o ânimo de outrora, nem nos levantamos sempre com as manhãs a sorrirem ou cantarem. Por muito que gostássemos que assim fosse.